Newman HR
Newman HR Consulting

Outplacement Support

Outplacement Support

What are Outplacement Support & Services?

In a perfect world, companies will always be profitable and all personnel who are employed at your company will be required for a long time. The reality is that the economy changes over time, revenues fluctuate and the head count that is needed, changes.   Sometimes the skills that are required, are not the same as what employees have.  Often leaders and managers in organizations must make difficult decisions and downsize specific employees for various reasons.


How can management and leaders at your organization always maintain its professionalism and commitment to treating its employees with respect, while laying off 1 or more employees?  Newman Outplacement Consultants are experienced in doing just that – advising Managers and  Human Resource professionals by supporting employees during a time of transition, and making certain that restructuring is carried out properly and respectfully.

Your Outplacement Partner – A difficult day done well

The team of Senior HR Consultants at Newman Resources have years of experience in leading Canadian organizations.  In companies that they have led, they have taken pride in creating work environments where all employees, know that they are valued and appreciated.


The beliefs that Newman Senior Management has, in showing respect and consideration to its personnel and all its clients, is part of the same approach that Newman’s Outplacement Consultants and Coaches follow when advising and counseling Human Resource professionals, Leaders and Managers in small, medium, and large size organizations, whether you are downsizing one or two hundred staff.

Advantages of Newman HR Handling Outplacement

Size Matters

We can work with any size downsizing project – from one to two hundred staff – we can plan the project from start to finish, including communications, logistics, social media and public relations.

Planning is everything

Downsizing is all about the details. We believe in planning for every contingency – employees not showing up on time, managers not !communicating the right message, ensuring we don’t terminate on someone’s birthday (yes, we’ve caught few of those in our time).

Compassion counts

Our years of experience and personal understanding of managing terminations ensures we provide a respectful and compassionate environment. We want your employees to leave as ambassadors for your organization – not social media critics (yes, we’ve seen that too!)

Beyond the day

Our process ensures that staff move on quickly with their job search and our support for them means they progress with confidence to their next role.

Day of the Onsite Layoff

The Newman HR Outplacement Consultant will arrive at your location, 30 minutes or more before the agreed meeting time.   The HR Manager and the employee’s manager will meet to discuss and confirm last minute plans, logistical details, and messaging for the scheduled meeting with the employee, who is being downsized.

Newman HR Outplacement Consultant will be brought to the room and will be introduced to the employee who is being downsized.  From our experience as consultants, we know that every employee reacts differently when a message is delivered about a downsizing.

The Newman HR Outplacement Consultant’s role is to be available to listen and to support the individual employee in the best way possible.   It is important that the employee knows that the information that is shared with the Newman Outplacement Consultant is confidential.   Newman HR Consultant will coordinate with the employer and the employee to make certain that the employee can travel home safely.  During the meeting, the employee will be given the opportunity to share their feelings, discuss their situation and perhaps share some of their concerns, worries and / or plans. It is important that the employee knows from the time that they receives the news about the layoff, a Newman Outplacement Consultant be available to will help them during this challenging time until they secure a new role.                                   

After the Downsizing

The Newman HR Consultant will call the employee later that day to ensure that he / she is ok.   He / she will be available to provide necessary information about resources and other professionals that can help during this time.


Laid off employees will meet as much as required with a Newman Outplacement Specialist to support the client in preparing for a success work search. 


The Consultant will be available to support the client in:

Free 30 minute consultation

We would love to get to know your business!

Book a call today

The conversation that lasts a lifetime

Downsizing conversations may only take a few minutes, but as anyone knows who has been terminated, these words are remembered for many years.  To ensure the best results for you and your employees, feel free to give us a call.   

The conversation that lasts a lifetime

Downsizing conversations may only take a few minutes, but as anyone knows who has been terminated, these words are remembered for many years.  To ensure the best results for you and your employees, feel free to give us a call.   


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