Newman HR
Newman HR Consulting



Over 10 years ago, I had a vision to create an HR practice with the best experts in Canada. Since then, I worked with this team and have seen the value that they bring to business. They’re smart, thoughtful individuals. Their achievements amaze me. I’ve led many great teams throughout my career, but I believe this is a truly special group of people. Each is a master craftsperson in their own right.

Meet the team

Frank Newman

Frank Newman


Ross Bauer

Ross Bauer

Benefits Consulting

Steve Caron

Steve Caron

Senior HR business coach

Linda Hunt

linda hunt

Accessibility & Inclusion Expert

Brian Epstein

Career Coaching and Outplacement Support

Peter Webb

Peter Webb

Sales Coaching

David Hagel

Workplace Investigations

Murray Smith

Murray Smith

Leadership & Business Coaching

Graham Chevreau

Graham Chevreau

Health & Safety

Barry Connors

Barry Connors

Executive Search

Bruce Craig

Change Management & Team Performance

Janet Holmes

Janet Holmes

Graphic Meeting Facilitation

Brian Bourke


Communication Coaching

Julie Newman

Julie Newman

Senior HR business coach

Experienced HR leadership

Each is a seasoned, trusted advisor who can diagnose complex business issues. They have the wisdom and in-depth business experience to generate practical, customized solutions for you.

Whether you need help with performance management, recruiting, health & safety, or training, we provide expertise beyond your expectations. We provide a full range of service for your business, whether you have 2 or 200 employees.

I’ve assembled this team so you can sleep at night, knowing you’ve accessed the best resources so your business can prosper and grow. I know you’ll enjoy working with them as much as I do.

Here’s to your business success!