Newman HR
Newman HR Consulting

Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge HR Consulting

HR for Medium
Sized Businesses

HR for Medium
Sized Businesses

Kitchener. Waterloo, Cambridge
HR Consulting

HUman Resources Strategies for Business

Newman Human Resources Consulting has worked in all types of companies through all stages of business lifecycle from start-up to mature, from local businesses to multi-national corporations, and made a difference to the business, the teams and to the bottom line.

Your people are the key ingredient in enabling your business. A Human Resources Strategy is an essential part of your Business Strategy, along with your Business Financing Strategy, Marketing Plan and all the other elements of a Business Plan. Newman Human Resources Consulting can help create a practical, action-driven Human Resources Plan to support your Business Plan integrating your Human Resources needs, services and deliverables.

We can help your business with:

How we can help

Newman Human Resources Consulting offers a professional package of Human Resources Services from Business Start-up to Succession Planning. The details include:

Workforce Planning


Recruiting & On-boarding

Health & Safety

Sales Coaching

Performance Management

Business Change

Human Resources Administration

Workplace Investigations

Career Coaching & Outplacement Support

Meeting Management & Facilitation

Book a consultation