Newman HR
Newman HR Consulting

work culture

The workplace is a family.  It always has been.  With all the ups & downs of traditional families


Whether you’re a new business or well-established, Best Place to Work will provide you insights into your culture and workplace that can have a profound impact on your ability to recruit, grow, and be recognized in this highly  competitive market.

Build your culture

Culture Review

A full assessment and checklist of your business’s cultural landscape

Who is it for?

Businesses looking to dip their toe into understanding their current work culture and getting guidance on defining it better.


30 minute confidential individual interviews with both management, HR & employees

What you get

An assessment of strengths & weaknesses within your corporate culture with recommendations on improvements that can be made


One Day Culture Workshop

All the info you need to create a strong people culture in your new company, including recruiting and government compliance
Who is it for?

Businesses that know they need cultural change but do not know which direction to go with it


4-6 hour workshop, with optional 1:1 coaching sessions

What you get

a customized set of guidelines to grow your corporate culture around


Monthly Culture Support

Monthly cultural support & insights to help make change for the better in your business culture efforts

Who is it for?
Owners of Start-Up Companies
Workshop, with optional 1:1 coaching sessions
what you get
4 – 6 hours

Culture Round Table

Sign up for a monthly business culture round-table discussion 


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