Newman HR Consulting

March 4, 2020

Best Human Resources Practices for Small Business – Perils, Pitfalls, Performance and People

As members of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, we’re delighted to be part of this vibrant business community for the past six years.

On Thursday, April 2nd, I’ll be presenting to chamber members as part of the Business Growth Series. This will take place at the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, 750 Hespeler Road from 9:00am to 11:00am. This presentation is sponsored by MNP LLP and Cowan Insurance.

This two hour presentation will provide a pragmatic review of best HR practices and tips to save time and money. Participants will learn how to change employees from indifferent to committed, and where to spend the best 10 minutes of their days with their teams. We’ll focus on how to maximize productivity while reducing people risks.

What Will Participants Learn?

  • Techniques of recruiting in a tight market
  • How to leverage compensation to achieve more
  • Coaching tips for better performance
  • How to avoid common and costly legal mistakes with your people

This seminar is offered exclusively to Chamber members at no cost as a benefit of membership.

To register, please click on the link below. If you’d like to attend and haven’t joined the Chamber, please give them a call.

You’ll be warmly welcomed.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Recruiting tip for the day: Always treat job candidates as if they were your customer, because they will remember their recruitment experience, whether they are hired on not. You can guarantee that a negative experience will be widely shared, impacting your business reputation and your desirability as an employer.

Thursday, April 2, 2020
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, 750 Hespeler Rd.
Complimentary for Members
Sponsored by MNP LLP and Cowan

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